, Express When You Feel!

Life Is Too Short To Hide, Express When You Feel!

We look behind, count on several years… the good and bad experiences of life keep on telling a new story every moment. We laugh, we get emotional, and sometimes we cry so hard thinking about what happened in the past. We get inspired and set a new plan for the future to make it beautiful and bright. That’s life, and this cycle is going on like that for decades and centuries, right from the time when human life evolved.

But did you ever notice that with each passing day, we are missing something inside? A special quality of mankind… Yeah! It is about expressing what we feel!

The busy life routines, a fear of losing something, the overcrowded and boring journeys have made us self-centered. We keep on moving with loads of thoughts in our mind, but we rarely find time to express them, or we don’t have a companion who can understand. Why? Probably, we have lost relations, or we don’t value them anymore!

We have so many loving people around us, but we are too occupied in technologies that we don’t care about living beings… whether it is about family, friends, or other people living around. How many of us know who is living next to our door? Privacy and security are the prime need in big cities, but no one cares about exchanging emotions… the real asset of human beings. We never spare time to listen to someone who is in pain, even if we listen, we count on the time they take from our life. There are very few people who do something for others without expecting something from another end. We are brought up with a calculative mind that keeps on counting on personal profits every moment.

Today, human beings are not ready to extend help to others if they do not find anything in return. Where we have lost our moral values? How hard we have become somewhere inside that we cannot feel the pains around? It is all about the run for success, and we are losing the real values behind.

Maybe we need to start right from the beginning. We need to learn the way to express our feelings because you never know when life will end. Do something good to someone you never know and don’t expect them to say thank you. Let others feel that they are special even when life has been so tragic to them so long. Share a few smiles every day; I am sure they will melt several hearts around. Express when you feel because you never know how long you are here to share the beautiful bond with others.

Go to your parents and express how lucky you are to have them. Probably you never said that throughout your life but believe me your words mean a lot to them. Don’t leave them alone when they get old just because you are occupied in your own life; they left many of their dreams to nurture you when you were born. They could have given more priority to their freedom and happiness, but they choose your happiness among rest all. Say how much you love them and be with them when they need you the most. They deserve your respect and love in the toughest phase of life. Share some smiles with them; just a few efforts to understand their experiences will bring happiness around.

Express when you love someone, even if they don’t. You never know whether you will get that chance again or not. Be genuine to your feelings and let them come out right from your heart. Respect the feeling of love; it is not about earning something; it is all about losing yourself. No conditions apply to love, it is the purest feeling of this universe, and it connects you to the soul. Love should not bring the fear of losing someone; rather it should be a strength that makes you stand beside them in all ups and downs of life. True love never happens with the appeal, habits, or body; it goes deep inside and touches your soul.

Stand for someone who is really in need of some support, even when you don’t know them. Life is not about “give and take”; it is all about holding each other’s hand and growing together. Do something for the one who never expects it from you, but a little effort from your side can change their life. Don’t laugh when someone is falling behind; raise your hand to take them along. The race of success is not about kicking others out of the path; it is about leading the team and making the journey beautiful together.

Before you throw food out in the garbage box, think about the people who didn’t eat a single bite for the past several days. Instead of standing on the road and shouting out loud to prove your rights, think how much you valued your responsibilities in your life. You are lucky enough to be a human being. You are blessed with a beautiful life, know how you can make the best out of it. There are so many good things to do every day instead of crying for what you don’t have. Just wake up and start with dedication and determination; no one can stop you from achieving your goals.

But beyond all, learn to be a human being!

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