Sinking and Surviving

Sinking and Surviving

Thriving to make a difference…

Burning to bear all the emotions…

Oh! I see… There is a heart… that is still paining inside.

Making silence my only companion…

And listening to some cries deep inside…

The sinking relations and surviving indignations…

The broken connections and lost stories…

Oh! I see… What this silence has given me so far.

Some talks that used to sustain for hours…

The laughter and the smiles that we shared together…

Something is dying inside… every moment now…

The pain that we both can feel…

But yes… none of us want to break down…

The ego and the anger…

The lies that surrounded every emotion…

The love that got buried alive…

With the hate that won with every intense talk…

Oh! I see… Why we stopped talking now…

Probably the expectations were falling apart…

The promises that you made…

And the tears that rolled down every time you failed…

You failed to keep your words…

And I failed to hold my emotions…

We both are guilty… broken and apart…

But do you know what sustained so far?

Yes! Those differences that separated our path…

Before I could hold your hand again…

Before you could explain what you want…

Before we could set up another goal together…

Before we could live one more life…

Things got changed… and nothing remained…

I had a fear of losing everything…

But I tried to store all my emotions somewhere inside…

So that you could find enough time to think…

So that you could decide your way…

And the moment you stepped away from me…

I realized the fear was all true…

We were moving together to achieve the same goal…

We were nourishing some dreams inside…

But the fog made everything invisible…

And then the sun burned every emotion…

We can still have the same goals…

We can still have the same journey…

But we are not together anymore…

Oh! I see… We are living a separate life…

The one that we never dreamed about…

But yes, I can see a smile on your face…

And that is the only success so far…

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