I wish… I could have never met you…

I wish… I could have never met you!

I wish… I could have never met you…

The pains in my heart could be less!

I wish I had lived a life without dreaming about you…

The emotions in my heart could be safe so long!

I wish I had no connection with you…

The tears from my eyes may have not rolled out like this!

But then I feel…

If you were not a part of my life…

How I could have experienced the mesmerizing senses of love…

What if it was one-sided!

I felt complete while holding your memories deep inside my heart…

I was broken several times in this journey…

Still, I felt wonderful… just by thinking about you…

I know you will never know how much I loved you…

Because I never expressed what was going inside me…

The storm I faced when I saw you tying knot with someone else…

You could never understand how I survived that moment…

But then I realize…

I was never a part of your life…

Even when my life was incomplete without you…

The emotions, The feelings, The pains and of course, that immense pleasure of being around you…

I have experienced everything alone… While being deeply in love with you…

I understand one-sided love never succeed…

But I also believe… It is not in our hands when we fall in love with someone…

Some waves… keep us flowing all the way…

With a hope that one day we will meet that person…

Whom we love from the bottom of the heart…

What if the paths got separated somewhere in-between…

I am still satisfied… At least I was true to my feelings!

I always loved your smile… and could do anything to maintain that…

Probably… this was the only reason I got strength while seeing you holding hand of someone else with a true smile on your face…

Let me say the truth…

I again felt in love with that smile…

Even when you were going away from my life forever…

How could I stop you from being happy?

When your happiness matters the most to me…

How could I show you the wounds of love?

When you were getting into a happy life with someone you love the most…

Your love is the most precious gem for me… Even if it is for someone else…

After all, it is something that makes you feel complete…

What else I could have prayed for you in life…

Only I know how painful this journey was…

I still remember those sleepless nights that I spent while missing you…

Even when I was aware that it meant nothing to you…

Oh Yes! It was one-sided love… I never forget this truth…

Still, it was beautiful and made me feel what it is all about loving someone…

It is all about seeing that person happy…

Even if it means staying alone forever…

True love never demands!

It is all about giving… without expecting anything in return…

Yeah! I still love you…

But I will never say this to anyone…

When I couldn’t express this to you…

All those memories and emotions will stay inside me… forever…

And I will cherish them at every phase of life…

I will learn to live again…

But now without those feelings…

Because they all went with you…

All that is remaining inside me… is the lesson of one-sided love…

And I still say…

It’s beautiful… because it holds you inside…

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